Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Now There's No Excuse...

What do most of the people I know blog about? Yes...that's right...their kiddos. When I started this blog I had one husband and one cat,named Ranger. Who I was forbidden to blog about by my husband. Something about we don't want to be those cat people. I dunno, apparently he has a phobia of that.

In short there was little to blog about. But now, the tables have turned, I have no excuse as to why I don't update my blog. We've had something very special come into our possession in the last six months. It's a Jackson!! Isn't he cute!

Then - October 1, 2011

Now - Almost Six Months

Six months I can't even believe it. It's true what they say about time speeding up once you have kids. I can still remember week 2, day six, at hour 22 thinking I just might die, what have we gotten ourselves into. And now we have a boy who sleeps like a champ and whose little smile can turn my whole day around. Ok, ok, one more picture rocking the tie!


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